The history of our company
” You are always at home with us! “
THE beginnings – London & Dublin
Bristol & NotTingham
By now our supplier line has been established, the most popular Hungarian brands are all in our offer. In our stores approx. you can choose between 1500-2000 products (depending on the size of our stores) and in our webshop that has been launched recently, and more than 800 products will be available. We are endeavoring to provide ongoing buyer promotions and offers. Our loyalty program is very popular, and the collected points can be used as valuable gifts. We are often involved in fairs and events with Hungarian relevance.
Our product portfolio
Pastry and confectionery
Pastries are freshly prepared every day in each of our stores, featuring the most popular Hungarian cookies, cakes, cocoa snacks and biscuits. Confectionery, pastries (ishler, drumstick, creamy, punch slices, and many more) are usually made by exterior confectioners in the city where our stores are located, guaranteeing freshness.
Alcoholic drinks
You can choose from more than 100 kinds of alcoholic beverages with which we are the largest supplier in the UK for Hungarian wines, sparkling wines and brandies. The assortment may vary depending on the shop size.
Fruits and vegetables, producer foods
We also try to offer seasonal Hungarian vegetables and fruits to our customers. TV paprika, hot pepper, celery and kohlrabi are on offer throughout the year, and we also sell seasonal watermelons, chestnuts and apples. We put great emphasis on the distribution of domestic and producer foods: sausages, smoked meats, jams, red peppers of Kalocsa, pickles, fish soup noodles from Baja and honey producers.
Waiting for the arrival of Szafi and Norbi Update products has been a big anticipation. Our shelves are constantly filled with low carbohydrate, dietary delicacies, and we also bake Update pastries in our London store. Our Webshop has been also launched recenty.
We hope to meet you in one of our stores!
the Paprika Store team

we strive for the best
“The satisfied customer is the best advertising”
As a trader we know that our most important task is to serve our customers.